Mar 23Liked by 50 Shades of Jaye

This was a joy to read Jaye. Thank you for creating and sharing. I am moved and curious, interested in exploring questions like these in myself, my life, my body. I had a moment similar to what you described here with the magazine cover, with the model Stefania Ferrario. I saw someone I felt was so beautiful that seemed proud to be themselves, whose look seemed achievable to me. It made me feel confident and comfortable. Like I could and should just accept the way I am. I never really analyzed this reaction, or possible chain reaction, in myself. Weight loss has always been such an exhausting journey for me, I typically loose motivation before I even give myself a chance to begin. I often scoff at “exercise nuts” - laughing off the hard work people are putting into themselves. Because I haven’t been able to bring myself to do it for myself. But the elusive goal of a “healthier thinner stronger body” remains. Thinking about this - beginning this with a different mindset - an identity evolving separate from weight, sounds… invigorating!? Lots to think on. Thank you!

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Thank YOU, Emma!! This has become a surprisingly nuanced journey for me, and with so much "black and white thinking" on the internet regarding fat vs. thin vs. healthy vs. fit, I just really want to share how I'm starting to achieve a level of body sanity, I guess? I'm fooling myself to think that being morbidly obese is good for me, yet, I also want to be happy with who I am RIGHT NOW. I find that as I embrace the nuance of this subject, I want to treat myself better, and live in a body that can do more than she can right now, and that just happens to require some exercise and weight loss! It's not that I don't feel beautiful (most times) as I am right now in a large body, it's that I know I'm capable of so much more, and I've allowed "identifying as fat" to hold me back from my fullest, most vibrant self and life. I'm so happy it was a joy to read for you! Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I adore and respect you so much—this comment really means a lot to me! 💖🥰

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